Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It was about time...



1st Session

H. RES. 194

Apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African-Americans.


February 27, 2007

Mr. COHEN (for himself, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. WEXLER, Ms. KILPATRICK, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. PALLONE, Ms. LEE, Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mrs. MALONEY of New York, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. MORAN of Virginia, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. JEFFERSON, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Ms. WATSON, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. CARSON, Mr. ISRAEL, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. DAVIS of Alabama, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. ABERCROMBIE, Mr. HARE, Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. HODES, Mr. FILNER, Mr. HONDA, and Mr. KUCINICH) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


Apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African-Americans.

Whereas millions of Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and the 13 American colonies from 1619 through 1865;

Whereas slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals;

Whereas Africans forced into slavery were brutalized, humiliated, dehumanized, and subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritage;

Whereas enslaved families were torn apart after having been sold separately from one another;

Whereas the system of slavery and the visceral racism against persons of African descent upon which it depended became entrenched in the Nation's social fabric;

Whereas slavery was not officially abolished until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865 after the end of the Civil War, which was fought over the slavery issue;

Whereas after emancipation from 246 years of slavery, African-Americans soon saw the fleeting political, social, and economic gains they made during Reconstruction eviscerated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement, Black Codes, and racial segregation laws that imposed a rigid system of officially sanctioned racial segregation in virtually all areas of life;

Whereas the system of de jure racial segregation known as `Jim Crow,' which arose in certain parts of the Nation following the Civil War to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans, was a direct result of the racism against persons of African descent engendered by slavery;

Whereas the system of Jim Crow laws officially existed into the 1960's--a century after the official end of slavery in America--until Congress took action to end it, but the vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day;

Whereas African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow--long after both systems were formally abolished--through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity;

Whereas the story of the enslavement and de jure segregation of African-Americans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or minimized in the telling of American history;

Whereas on July 8, 2003, during a trip to Goree Island, Senegal, a former slave port, President George W. Bush acknowledged slavery's continuing legacy in American life and the need to confront that legacy when he stated that slavery `was . . . one of the greatest crimes of history . . . The racial bigotry fed by slavery did not end with slavery or with segregation. And many of the issues that still trouble America have roots in the bitter experience of other times. But however long the journey, our destiny is set: liberty and justice for all.';

Whereas President Bill Clinton also acknowledged the deep-seated problems caused by the continuing legacy of racism against African-Americans that began with slavery when he initiated a national dialogue about race;

Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation;

Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;

Whereas the legislature of the Commonwealth of Virginia has recently taken the lead in adopting a resolution officially expressing appropriate remorse for slavery and other State legislatures are considering similar resolutions; and

Whereas it is important for this country, which legally recognized slavery through its Constitution and its laws, to make a formal apology for slavery and for its successor, Jim Crow, so that it can move forward and seek reconciliation, justice, and harmony for all of its citizens: Now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--

      (1) acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow;

      (2) apologizes to African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and

      (3) expresses its commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African-Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future.



LOS ANGELES, July 29 (Reuters) - An earthquake struck just east of Los Angeles on Tuesday, rocking tall buildings and rattling nerves across Southern California, but causing no serious injuries or major structural damage.

The quake hit at 11:42 a.m. local time (1842 GMT) about 30 miles (48 km) east of Los Angeles in suburban Chino Hills and registered magnitude 5.4 -- making it the strongest seismic event centered near America's second-largest city since the 6.7-magnitude Northridge quake in 1994.

It was followed in the next few hours by more than two dozen aftershocks, the largest measuring 3.6, and geologists said there was a small chance it could be a foreshock to a larger earthquake still to come.

Espero que los geólogos no se equivoquen! Pavada de cagazo, por lo demás, parecía que no terminaba nunca.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Uno dormitaba..

lo más choto, cuando de repente se escucha un ruido, transcurre medio segundo, los compartimientos de las máscaras de oxígeno se abren y el 747 baja en picada como un Stuka...
Que cagazo!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

de mujeres de ex presidentes...

Cuando me preguntan en California porque el país tiene los problemas que tiene y les comento la situación política, invariablemente me dicen "bueno, votaron por la mujer del presidente de turno, que carajo estaban pensando?".
Y después algunos se preguntan porque perdió Hillary las elecciones internas... Boludos no son.

estaba cantado

Re estatización de Aerolíneas Argentinas. Como siempre que ocurren este tipo de maniobras en Argentina, el estado - o sea todos los boludos que contribuyen a su sostenimiento - asume el pasivo, creo que en este caso de US$900 millones, de una empresa que ni siquiera tiene miras de ser redituable debido a los problemas que afectan a la aeronavegación en general.
Y la Reina Kretina festeja, obvio, seguro que habrán sumado al menos un par de millones de dólares para aceitar la operación.
Escapa al sentido común que un tipo como Jaime siga en la función pública, que está siendo investigado por innumerables actos de corrupción. Uno solamente puede asumir que roba para la corona.
Prepararon el escenario haciendo trizas el poco prestigio que tenía la línea aérea, con paros, despelotes, kilombos, etc. para aparecer como salvadores.
Su hipocresía es inconmesurable, dan asco.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Subsidios cruzados

Publicado en La Nación el 22 de julio de 2008

El Gobierno podría duplicar el superávit primario que obtiene si dejara de pagar los subsidios con los que contiene, por ejemplo, las tarifas de enegía eléctrica, gas, los precios de algunos alimentos y los valores del gas oil para el transporte.

¿Funcionaría igual la economía? En principio, algunas situaciones cambiarían bastante.

En términos ideales, cuando el Estado ofrece un servicio en forma gratuita, como salud o educación, realiza un gasto que genera un ahorro entre los privados que lo utilizan. Ese gasto público reemplaza gasto privado o genera ahorro privado.

La actual administración, con su monumental maraña de subsidios que no para de crecer, genera justamente ahorros a quienes consumen lo que se subvenciona. Si se eliminaran de un solo golpe esos gastos deberían actualizase valores desde la leche hasta las tarifas aéreas, pasando por el boleto de colectivo. En términos muy globales, empresas y particulares deberían asumir gastos iguales al superávit primario del Estado.

Pero en la realidad el esquema no es tan simple. Para poder sostener esos subsidios el Estado ha creado, mantenido o aumentado muchos impuestos. Si desaparecen las compensaciones y muchos valores hoy contenidos se encarecen habrá presiones para reducciones de gravámenes. ¿Cómo funcionaría esto? Es difícil de vislumbrar.

La enorme complejidad del esquema de gravámenes y compensaciones esconde la intención de la actual administración de manejar la distribución de rentas y beneficios cruzados entre sectores.

De manera muy global, el esquema de retenciones grava mucho más al campo que a la industria. Lo que querría decir que granos y oleaginosas subsidian a las fábricas.

Cuando el Gobierno hace bajar artificialmente el precio global de los alimentos los hace más accesibles para personas de bajos recursos. Pero también los abarata para los ricos y para las compañías que los adquieren para elaborar bienes que se exportan y generan fuertes ganancias.

Por ello, a muchos beneficiarios de subsidios se les ha colocado impuestos, en un intento por moderar el beneficio, lo que genera un sistema todavía más complejo y difícil de desentrañar. Es el caso de los cargos específicios a la energía de las fábricas.

¿Debería el Gobierno abandonar por completo esta política y liberar todos los valores y a todos los actores privados a su suerte? Pareciera el otro extremo. Hasta economistas ortodoxos como José Luis Espert señalan que deberían eliminarse compensaciones y diferencias artificiales y permitir que los alimentos tengan en el mercado interno precios más parecidos a los internacionales. Pero que a la vez se debería armar un esquema que permita entregar gratis la alimentación de los sectores más vulnerables.

No todo sería ahorro para el Estado y más gasto para los privados.

Como idea general, no está mal. Pero no tiene en cuenta el "costo argentino" relacionado con los funcionarios públicos que aprueban esos subsidios. Es tan obvio que no hacen favores de macanudos que son. Concretamente, los subsidios promueven corrupción y clientelismo político y financiero. Un horror.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Transcribo textual un correo electrónico recién recibido...
Será así la cosa?

La clave oculta que explica una gestión que parece


Un negociado redondito de 1990 millones de dólares .
Detrás de la modificacion de las retenciones móviles se esconde un jugoso y millonario negocio con un botin en dólares (1.990 millones), a repartir entre Los Socios (las cinco grandes exportadoras y NCK). Esta información se puede consultar por internet buscando Alberto Ferrari Etcheverry (ex interventor de la Junta Nacional de Granos) diario Perfil.com (ya lo borraron), Infobae; Agencia de Noticias Bonaerense; foro tucuman; Clarín; etc., Diputado Nacional Claudio Lozano (le borraron la nota del martes 24/06/2008 en Perfil ) y Mario Cafiero y Javier LLorens (argenpress.info); Silvia Naishtat (Clarin 09/03/2008) Modus Operandi.
Los exportadores de granos y aceite (los 5 grandes) declararon anticipadamente al 11/09/ 2007 ventas al exterior de 18.000.000 ton. mediante las DJVE y asi 'congelan' el porcentaje (27%) y el valor del producto (u$s 340 ton) que servirá para calcular la retención que le depositarán al estado 15 dias después del embarque de la soja u$s 93.50 la ton. (0.275*340).
Las declaraciones son falsas ya que la soja 'vendida', recien había nacido, la mas grande era una plantita de 15 cm. de alto. Posteriormente el socio principal (NCK) sube las retenciones al 35% y luego las hace móviles para aumentar la tajada, llegando actualmente al 48%.
EL Negocio (1).
Al chacarero le pagan el precio de pizarra de Rosario/Quequen /Bahia Blanca (sale en todos los diarios todos los días) este precio es el precio FOB de contado de ese dia en dólares u$s 570 menos las retenciones vigentes en el día 48% lo que da un precio para el chacarero de u$s 296.40 =(570 – (0.48*570)). Lo retenido por los exportadores es u$s 273.60. La cuentita de lo retenido a los chacareros es u$s 273.60 y lo obligado a depositar a favor del estado es u$s 93.50 quedando para repartir socialmente (entre los 5 grandes y NCK) u$s 180.1 por tonelada, monto total a repartir entre los socios u$s 3.241.8 MILLONES de DOLARES.
Interviene el senado como es un gran robo y el senador Urquia FPV dueño de AGD (una de las 5 grandes) consigue que las exportadoras paguen el tributo con el porcentaje actual de retencion 48%, pero se que mantenga el precio que se había congelado en noviembre del 2007 o sea us$s 340 la ton. y ahora el negocio se achica. Así queda el negocio al 25/06/2008 .
Negocio chico(2)
Las exportadoras al chacarero le pagan lo mismo u$s 296.40 ton., le retienen u$s 273.60. Lo que tienen que pagarle al estado las exportadoras ahora es u$s 163.2 (0.48*340). Diferencia a embolsar por los exportadores u$s 110.4 por tonelada. Monto total a repartir entre los socios u$s 1.987.2 MILLONES de DOLARES. Como en todo los buenos negocios hay un reparto equitativo es decir; vamos y vamos; a NCK le toca la bonita cifra de 993.6 millones de dólares. y a los muchacos (los grandes), el resto 993.6 millones. En este negocio no hay contratos de papel solo acuerdos y roles, los muchachos cobran y entregan lo acordado y NCK implementa y defiende con uñas y dientes la medida.
Para la gilada se dirá que es para la redistribución social y no entre los socios, se descubrira 90 días despues que se usara la plata para hacer hospitales y escuelas en ninguna parte, luego se descubre el Congreso, a la sociedad y a los militantes se les miente descaradamente y a los legisladores NCK los 'aprieta': NCK siempre saboteará todo acuerdo
racional y así el Negocio se sostiene, NCK hace su parte los socios la otra y todos cobran en efectivo. Despues de mas de 100 días de verlos actuar, se cuenta con la 'semi plena prueba' de la asociacion ilícita, ya que a determinados niveles no existe la ingenuidad ni la improvisacion.
Finalmente si hay que comprar votos, los 'socios' ya cuentan con un fondo de u$s 500 millones para hacerlo; puesto que ya ingresaron u$s 1.000 millones, si hacen falta 20 votos, cada voto se puede cobrar por el legisladorr u$s 25 millones o sea 75 millones de pesos, y si es muy bueno negociando lo puede llevar a 100 millones de pesos, hay muchos legisladores que son bastante lelos y los 'arreglaran' con solo 3 uo 4 millones de pesos y todavía quedara suficiente platita en efectivo para seguir los negocios ya que los negocios sigen.
Los negocios siguen, siempre siguen. Los chacareros tendran que vender barata la tierra (u$6.000 la ha), que sera comprada por NCK para seguir en el negocio de los alquileres. ¿Paracuanto alcanza u$s 993 millones? Para 165.600ha.!!!!!!!!!, en la región pampeana; que alquiladas a 1.2 ton por año son 198.720 toneladas de soja año a cobrar , traducidas en plata son como minimo u$s 67.6 millones de dólares /año y a futuro ya sin retenciones son u$s 113.2 millones de > dólares /año.
Adicionalmente le informo y lo invito a:
1) un millon de dólares equivale a 95.3 años!!!! de unsalario de $2.500 pesos.!!!!!.
2) Verifique esta informacion, use internet, busque los nombres y indicados.
3) Agregue los siguientes: Cristóbal López, Enrique Eskenazi, Leandro Baes.
4) Los Fondos fiduciarios (financistas de los pooles de siembra) no pagan impuesto a las ganancias, los chacareros sí.
5)Trate de adivinar quien es el misterioso NCK. ACERTO!!!!!!!!.
6) No crea lo que le digo , verifique las fuentes , cruce informacion, pregunte a operadores de granos , saque sus propias conclusiones y si está de acuerdo difunda todo lo que pueda este mensaje.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A propósito del día del amigo...

Este año se festejan los treinta años del egreso del secundario y los muchachos están preparando el gran festejo gran. Uno me preguntó si iba a asistir, y aquí mi respuesta:

"Aunque creo que es esto del día del amigo es otro invento imperialista para alentar el tráfico desenfrenado de - entre otras cosas - cadenas interminables de correos electrónicos que enzalsan virtudes terráqueas inexistentes, hay que seguir la corriente.
Por suerte, acá no existe y por ende, no se festeja el día del amigo. No es que sean nihilistas ni mucho menos, sino que hasta ahora, a nadie se le ocurrió explotar eso. Pensándolo bien, podría ser el primero en hacer marketing (luego de asegurarme derechos de autor) y listo! me salvo!!
Y quizás, seria más redituable y popular festejar el día del conocido. La idea subyacente es que si alguien te manda un saludo por el día del amigo, uno se siente más o menos obligado a responderle algo, aunque en el fondo no lo considere amigo. No porque tenga mala leche, sino porque simplemente el concepto de amistad difiere en cada uno como otras tantas muchas cosas.
Es como un amor no correspondido, no querés herir al otro si dejás de responderle. Es una situación incómoda. En cambio, si celebramos el día del conocido, nadie se sentirá ofendido si el otro no le conteste, salvo, obviamente, que le conteste "y a vos quién te conoce?"
Si esa idea no prende, se puede intentar con el "día del estimado". Cuando la gente se comunicaba a través de correspondencia escrita, usualmente iniciaba la carta con el lugar, fecha y luego con el famoso "Estimado Sr. Pirulo"... Los que leyeron a Cortázar se acordarán y los que no, avisen y se los envío por e-mail.
Bueno, me fuí al carajo.
Y hablando de eso, en respuesta a alguna inquietud planteada por un boliburgués, todavía no he contestado la ingeniosa y práctica encuesta pergeñada por el Ing. Sarti.
No por hacerme el difícil ni nada por el estilo, lo cierto es que los últimos planes de vacaciones barajados con mi esposa no incluían ni remotamente viajar a Argentina y esta posibilidad no le ha caído nada bien a la señora. No entiende como puede parecerme divertido juntarme con algunos obesos y semi pelados como yo a emborracharnos y acordarnos de las boludeces que solíamos hacer cuando éramos jóvenes. No entiende. Lo de no entender es casi entendible, valga la parajoda ya que después de todo, es mujer, pero bueno, estoy en un brete, como se dice en el interior del país. Hay que desmontar hasta que aclare.
Me tildarán de pollerudo, tilingo, conchudo, dominado, clitoriano o lo que sea. Pero lo cierto es que hay que construir consensos (aguante Cleto, el del Espejo!) caso contrario estaré en el horno.
Lo único que puedo decir en este momento es que si me divorcio o me divorcian antes de esa fecha, allí estaré, firme como rulo de estatua de Rodin.
Hasta el festejo, siempre!
Feliz día del AMIGO para todos, de corazón."

País generoso

Noticia de La Nación:
"El cineasta Leonardo Favio, de fuerte raigambre peronista, decidió una inusual protesta contra el vicepresidente Julio Cobos: por los acontecimientos políticos que son de dominio público, optó por suspender el viaje a Mendoza que tenía previsto para el 7 de agosto, para la inauguración de una sala cinematográfica que funciona en la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, que iba a ser bautizada con su nombre. De esa manera, pese a ser también su tierra natal, Favio castigará con su ausencia a la provincia del vicepresidente por su voto en el Senado."

Perdón, pero pensé que esa persona estaba muerta. Si la memoria no me falla, fué partícipe de la matanza de Ezeiza, en 1973. Iban a poner su nombre en una sala de cinematografía en una universidad nacional? Evidentemente, se quedaron sin nombres de próceres.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Corruptos angurrientos

Que quieren beneficiarse con el trabajo de otros. Parece que ahora la alícuota del impuesto a la exportación vuelve a ser del 35% (que sigue siendo un robo) en lugar de alícuotas móviles. Lo que esperaría es que la gente perjudicada - que con todo el despelote está más informada - plantee la inconstitucionalidad de las retenciones y listo. O no pagan impuesto a las ganancias?
El Ejecutivo tiene vedado imponer impuestos, eso es más viejo que la injusticia, pero sin embargo se dá el lujo de suspender o limitar la resolución 125 que es la que provocó (entre otras cosas) el despelote de los últimos cuatro meses.
Y a los senadores, aprovechando la onda "poner las que hay que poner" (presidente de facto dixit), que promuevan investigaciones en la valija de Antonioni Wilson, los fondos de Santa Cruz, Skanka, Southern Winds, etc. etc. etc.
Curros nuevos por investigar? tren bala y el último, Aerolíneas Argentinas. Subsidios cruzados o no? son tarados? cada firma de un funcionario público cuesta plata, y no me refiero al costo de la lapicera ni al costo del salario del mismo...
Como dijo alguien, el país se arregla en dos años si dejan de robar...
Losing friends fast

Jul 18th 2008 | BUENOS AIRES
From Economist.com
Argentina’s president suffers a painful blow to her credibility


WHEN Cristina Fernández de Kirchner selected a turncoat member of the opposition Radical party as her running mate in her successful campaign for Argentina’s presidency last year, the choice looked like a canny ploy to win voters outside her Peronist party’s working-class base. But now, Ms Fernández’s assumption that her vice-president, Julio Cobos, would show more loyalty to her than he did to the Radicals appears to have been an act of near-suicidal hubris. On Thursday July 17th, Mr Cobos cast his tie-breaking vote in the Senate against a crucial tax bill backed by Ms Fernández, dealing what looks like a crippling blow to her presidency.

Ms Fernández has spent the past four months in a fierce battle with Argentina’s farmers. They launched a massive protest campaign of strikes and roadblocks after the government raised taxes on soya-bean exports to nearly 40%. The public backed the farmers, and the president’s approval ratings tumbled. But Ms Fernández and her combative husband, Néstor Kirchner, who preceded her as president and now runs the Peronist party, refused to lower the taxes in order to reach a compromise deal.

The two sides were locked in stalemate until the Supreme Court—where a majority of the judges were put in place by Mr Kirchner—announced it would take a case addressing the constitutionality of the taxes. Their legality was in question because the taxes were implemented via an economy-ministry resolution rather than by the legislature. To avoid a potential judicial rebuke, Ms Fernández, a former senator, asked Congress to ratify the levies last month.

Ms Fernández clearly underestimated the pressures on her party’s legislators from Argentina’s interior provinces, whose districts were staunchly opposed to the taxes. Despite holding comfortable majorities in both houses, her Congressional block had to establish a costly rebate scheme for small farmers in order to win a very close vote in the lower house. The bill then passed to the Senate, where a torrent of defections from Ms Fernández’s supporters produced a 36-36 draw.

The decision thus fell to Mr Cobos, whose relationship with the president has become frosty. Ms Fernández had barely spoken to him in a month, presumably because she felt he had acted too independently during the conflict. The beleaguered vice-president all but apologised to her as he cast his deciding vote. “The Argentine president will understand me,” he said, “because I don’t think a law that doesn’t provide a solution to the conflict will achieve anything…I ask forgiveness if I'm wrong.” When Ms Fernández spoke the following evening, forgiveness was not on the agenda: “Let’s hope that those who didn’t understand what we said to the people in October [when the election was held] understand some day,” she said, leaving little doubt about to whom her words were addressed.

Ms Fernández’s stunning defeat shatters the aura of invincibility that she inherited from her husband, who won a series of contentious political battles during his four years in office. Mr Kirchner regarded dissent as virtual treason, and used his control over spending to keep legislators and local officials in line. But while his approval ratings reached 70%, his wife’s are barely above 20%. And while he enjoyed an ample budget surplus, her treasury has been depleted by last year’s pre-election spending binge and by rising costs for fuel and transport subsidies. Ms Fernández actually campaigned as a moderate consensus-seeker; she will have to start governing like one if she hopes to salvage her presidency.

Ms Fernández took a productive first step to restore her credibility with voters by reducing the export taxes herself to their pre-conflict level on July 18th, rather than waiting for the courts to strike them down. But the public will demand more changes from her than a mere recognition of her defeat in Congress. Additional popular measures would include fixing the official inflation index, which her husband manipulated to reflect less than half the true rate, and replacing some of the pliant ministers she inherited from Mr Kirchner with additional independent technocrats.

Ms Fernández has three and a half years left of her term, and it is far too early to write her political obituary. But if she fails to learn from her mistakes, she may go down as one of the longest-serving lame ducks in recent democratic history.

tenía que ser liceísta...

para patear el tablero!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mis dos centavos

Me encantó el desenlace. El que hasta hace una semana atrás parecía que estaba pintado terminó pateando el tablero. A ver si se ponen las pilas y arman entre todos algo serio, se dejen de joder y se pongan a laburar en serio.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Dubai detains 79 for indecent behavior on beaches on Yahoo! News

Dubai detains 79 for indecent behavior on beaches

By BARBARA SURK, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 13 minutes ago

Westerners were getting too racy on the beaches of this Persian Gulf tourist haven, and a police crackdown on topless sunbathing, nudity and other indecent behavior has resulted in 79 arrests in recent days.

Undercover officers are strolling the sand while others stand guard in new watchtowers to enforce the social mores of this Muslim city-state, which is a booming business center that is attracting growing hordes of foreign tourists.

Authorities said they began the decency campaign after police detained a British man and a woman who were allegedly having sex on one of Dubai's sprawling beaches earlier this month.

Over the past two weeks, police have detained a total of 79 people whose behavior was "disturbing families enjoying the beach," Zuhair Haroun, a spokesman for Dubai's Criminal Investigation Department, said Monday.

First-time offenders may be issued a warning, but if caught twice, tourists could be referred to the public prosecutor for possible criminal charges, authorities said.

Thousands of European and Asian expatriates live and work in Dubai, where native Emiratis make up only about 20 percent of the estimated 1.2 million residents. Shopping malls and fast food restaurants have replaced traditional Arab houses, and English has overtaken Arabic as the emirate's lingua franca.

Many Emiratis and Arabs visiting from other Persian Gulf countries increasingly feel Dubai's ambition to become a cosmopolitan metropolis and tourist destination is overrunning their own traditions and contradict what they feel is culturally acceptable.

Unlike elsewhere in the conservative Persian Gulf, tourists in Dubai are often seen wearing skimpy bikinis on public beaches and walk the city's streets in shorts. Alcohol is freely available in hotel bars and restaurants in this regional businesses and entertainment hub.

While pursuing the police crackdown, Dubai has embarked on a public awareness campaign to remind its Western visitors and foreign residents that the city may have flashy hotels and glitzy skyscrapers but it also is a Muslim country with traditionally conservative values.

The city is installing signs warning tourists in Arabic, English and several other languages not to sunbathe topless or change clothes in public, said Abdullah Mohammed Rafia, an official with the Dubai Municipality whose office is overseeing the public awareness campaign.

Authorities are "taking action in response to numerous complaints" filed by people who visit the city's beaches, Rafia said. Complaints have ranged from families "offended by displays of nudity" to women sunbathers who say groups of men stare at them while at the beach.

The police campaign also will target people who harass beachgoers with acts "deemed offensive, immoral or disrespectful," including loitering and voyeurism, said Dubai's acting police chief, Maj. Gen. Khamis Mattar al-Mazeina.

Some tourists who were enjoying Dubai's simmering sun Monday said the new campaign left them confused about what is considered appropriate in Dubai.

"I understand that I have to respect the rules of the country," said John MacLean, a British tourist on holiday with his girlfriend. But, he added, "I am not sure if I can kiss her or touch her in public."

Jua! En lugar de Dubai, volveré a Ibiza, donde podés andar en bolas y nadie te dice nada... Es hora de mostrar a las masas lo que es el chizito argentino!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

More about Mooning in SoCal

Police halt 'mooning' of trains in Laguna Niguel after a crowd of 8,000 gathers

Some bared more than their bottoms, the Orange County Sheriff's Department says.
By David Haldane, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
July 13, 2008
Police were called out to break up the annual "mooning" of Amtrak trains in Laguna Niguel on Saturday when the crowd grew to 8,000 and many began baring more than just their behinds.

"We had some mooners and some female flashers and some people who were nude altogether," said Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Department. "There was also lots of drinking. We felt that it was in the public's interest to shut it down."

Mooners, flashers and others dispersed peacefully about 3 p.m. and there were no arrests, Amormino said. More than 50 officers responded from several police agencies, backed up by helicopters.

Some participants were angered by the police response.

"What was the point of stopping people from enjoying themselves when they were under control?" asked Robert Zoellner, 47, a first-time mooner from Mission Viejo. "Everybody was getting along."

Some participants returned to a mile-long stretch of festivities after police left, and newcomers arrived throughout the afternoon. Into the evening, revelers continued to moon the trains that passed about every 20 minutes.

The crowd, which included children with their parents as well as middle-aged adults -- stood on the shoulder of a road parallel to the tracks to show themselves. The sideshow included barbecues, T-shirt sales and RV parties.

"It's so liberating it's contagious," said Steve Bartolo, 39, of Costa Mesa. "You just wait until that next train goes by . . . I can't stop."

The 29-year-old event is said to have started when a patron at the nearby Mugs Away Saloon in the 27000 block of Camino Capistrano offered to buy drinks for any of his buddies who would run out to the tracks and bare their bottoms for the next passing train. Many did, and the tradition was born.

Usually held the second Saturday in July, the event begins early in the morning and continues into the night.

Though it has no official sponsors and free beer is no longer provided, it does have a website.

"The truth is I never heard of it until today," Amormino said. "This is probably the first time it's gotten out of hand."

"It's a good thing they were mooning trains," Amormino said, "because if it were cars I'm sure it would cause" an accident. "I guess a few people wrecked it for everybody."


Tal cual, hacen eso en la freeway 5 y se matan millones...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mooning in SoCal

Police shut down mooning of the Amtrak trains

Big crowds, big drinking created dangerous scene, police said.

The Orange County Register

LAGUNA NIGUEL For the first time in the event's 29-year history, police are closing down the 29th annual Mooning of Amtrak because of big crowds and heavy drinking this afternoon.

"It started to get a little out of hand so we decided to move in and show presence to try to quell any further disruption," Orange County Sheriff's Department Lt.Ted Boyne said.

Nice weather, big publicity and increasing population led to larger-than-expected crowds of between 8,000 and 10,000 at the annual event, held each year at the Mugs Away Saloon across Camino Capistrano from the train track that carries both Amtrak and Metrolink trains.

Along with about two dozen police officers, helicoptors announced from loudspeakers that the event was cancelled.

No fighting was reported.

"We hope that everybody will quietly leave," Boyne said.

With so many people attending this year, police said emergency crews would have a difficult time cutting through the crowds.

The crowds "seem to be cooperating" as of 3:30 p.m., according to Boyne.


Que cortamambos!! nadie puede mostrarle el culo al tren por culpa de los policías?


Updated 7/13/08: Según comentaba Los Angeles Times hoy, la gente se empezó a zarpar, seguramente producto de la ingesta alcohólica, primero empezando a mostrar el culo (mooning), después algunas minas empezaron a flashear las lolas y por último (nunca falta alguien que sobra) algunos se quedaban totalmente en bolas!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cupón para combustible

I didn't realize it, but these coupons are good for one gallon of gas at
most retailers.
I have seen them around, but until recently never took advantage of them,
I never realized their actual worth.

You probably have one or two just lying around somewhere, now is the time
to use them before they lose their value, and it's too late!!

Acá todo el mundo se queja que el combustible subió un cien por ciento en un año, pero en proporción, sigue estando barato. Ahora, cuando cueste diez dólares el galón, agarrate Catalina!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sutilezas? mensaje subliminal?

La guerra en Irak no es popular y el gobierno está desesperado por conseguir voluntarios. Simple problema logístico.
Lo curioso es que en lugar de tratar de disfrazar un poco lo espinoso del problema, lo dicen directamente.
Por ejemplo, esta tarde ví que la Marina había armado un stand en la playa. (ver foto)
Cuál es el mensaje subliminal? en que consiste acelerar tu vida? hacia dónde? la muerte, quizás?
Cosa de locos.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A contramano...

Starbucks closing 600 stores in the US
Tuesday July 1, 10:44 pm ET
By Jessica Mintz, AP Business Writer

Starbucks closing 600 US stores, most opened in the last 2 years

SEATTLE (AP) -- For a decade it appeared there was no such thing as too many Starbucks for U.S. coffee drinkers, whose willingness to buy its $4 lattes and dark drip brews rationalized a second green-and-white mermaid awning just down the street -- and sometimes even a third.

But in a sign that those days are over, Starbucks Corp. announced Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year as the faltering U.S. economy hastened the pain caused by the company's own rapid expansion.

Starbucks did not say which stores will be closed, only that they are spread throughout the country. But it did say 70 percent of those slated for closure had opened after the start of 2006.

To put it another way, Starbucks is closing 19 percent of all U.S. company-operated stores that opened in the last two years, Chief Financial Officer Pete Bocian said during a conference call.

About 12,000 workers, or 7 percent of Starbucks' global work force, will be affected by the closings, which are expected to take place between late July and the middle of 2009, spokeswoman Valerie O'Neil said.

O'Neil said most employees will be moved to nearby stores, but she did not know exactly how many jobs will be lost. Starbucks estimated $8 million in severance costs.

In total, the company forecast up to $348 million in charges related to the closures, $200 million to be booked in the fiscal third quarter ended June 30. Starbucks reports third-quarter results at the end of July.

The company had previously planned to shut 100 stores. The 500 more that will be closed had been on an internal watch list for some time. They were not profitable, not expected to be profitable in the foreseeable future, and the "vast majority" had been opened near an existing company-operated Starbucks, Bocian said.

Some analysts had wondered whether Starbucks' explosive growth in the U.S. would come back to haunt it as the market became saturated.

But before Tuesday, the company avoided acknowledging that saturation was an issue and pinned weak financial results and adjustments to new store openings on the economy.

During the call, Bocian said that between 25 and 30 percent of a Starbucks shop's revenue is cannibalized when a new store opens nearby, and that the closures should help return some of that revenue to the remaining stores.

Bocian said there aren't a material number of stores left on the watch list, but that the company will hold remaining stores to the same standards.

Starbucks still plans to open new stores in fiscal 2009, but on Tuesday it cut that number in half to fewer than 200. The company did not adjust its plan to open fewer than 400 stores in 2010 and 2011.

"We believe we still have opportunities to open new locations with strong returns on capital," Bocian said.

During the conference call, the CFO echoed concerns about the economy expressed by Chief Executive Howard Schultz in May, when the company attributed a 28 percent drop in profit to less traffic from U.S. consumers who were feeling the pinch of higher food and gas prices.

At the end of March, there were 16,226 Starbucks stores around the world. The company operates 7,257 of those stores in the U.S. and 1,867 abroad; the remaining 7,102 locations are run by partners who license the Starbucks brand.

Shares of Seattle-based Starbucks jumped 72 cents, or 4.6 percent, to $16.34 in after-hours trading after losing 12 cents to close at $15.62.


Mientras tanto, abrieron sucursales en Argentina, donde hasta en el lugar más miserable te hacen un café como la gente.

Go figure.

Alimentation Doctrinaire

Doctrinal Nourishment: Art and Anarchism in the Time of James Ensor

Ensor created Doctrinal Nourishment in 1889, at the height of the political instability, economic inequities, and social unrest associated with the monarchy of Belgian King Leopold II (r. 1865–1909). Using caricature, scatological humor, and the deliberate distortion of form, he lampooned the Belgian monarchy, military, government, and clergy as a pack of bloated, self-satisfied tyrants, sitting, bare-bottomed, on a high wall and emptying their bowels into the open mouths of a ravenous crowd. A provocative send-up of authoritarian hubris and a cohesive statement of Ensor’s youthful anarchist views, Doctrinal Nourishment exposed autocratic rule as little more than a foul diet obediently swallowed by the masses, laying bare not only the brutality of Leopold’s regime, but also the people’s blind willingness to accept it.

Ensor’s sources for Doctrinal Nourishment include the political satire and grotesquerie favored by early-nineteenth-century romantic and realist artists. But even as he looked to the past, he also heralded the future, and his work resonates with fin-de-siècle symbolism and anticipates early-twentieth-century German expressionism and dadaism. These avant-garde art movements practiced the subversion of artistic tradition as a viable act of social protest. Ensor, operating firmly in their spirit, developed a strategy of visual insubordination whose target was unchecked authority.

An exploration of Doctrinal Nourishment both in the context of the artist’s oeuvre and the society in which it was produced, this exhibition examines the lively give-and-take between Ensor, his sources, his contemporaries, and his successors, and it gives focus to his pivotal position in the history of modern art.


Ví este cuadrito (es muy chiquito, quizás 20 cm x 15 cm) que formaba parte de una exposición del autor en el LACMA y no sé, por alguna ignota razón, me hizo acordar de la relación entre los gobernantes de Argentina y su población...